Sunday, January 12, 2014

Unholy Harvest On Howard Street

People don't take a break from littering when it snows. And during the melt the accumulated trash is the winter and spring's unholy harvest. This Big Belly trash can takes a beating while the others are ignored. It would be nice if the SSA came by a little more frequently than they do. Hopefully they will tomorrow.

This morning this writer witnessed a passerby on Marshfield hurling a can of something across the street nonchalantly as they walked south to Howard. One minute later this person passed within a few feet of a garbage can at Marshfield and Howard as they turned to walk east on Howard. The major issue isn't enough places to throw the litter out. Its a matter of people properly using the garbage cans already there.

Last edited 1/12/13 5:55 pm

Please continue reading for more pictures

1 comment:

  1. Just bend over pick up that shit and stop bitchin dude. I live at Fargo and Rogers and do that shit all the time. Its a hell hole down there.


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