Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rogers Park's Coast Revisited

The so called Polar Vortex 2.0 or Arctic Front hit last night along with a good dose of lake effect snow (just over six inches). i-Phone shut down after the photo set from this morning. Sunrise is becoming a bit earlier now (7:12-3 am).

There still is an icy connection between the Jarvis-Fargo beach and Howard Street beach. It looks like the red brick apartment building at the north side of the Birchwood Avenue terminus is expanding its chain-link fence onto the outcropping of rocks that meets the shore. No hunting is allowed along this part of the Lake Michigan shore.

Anyone exploring the lakefront should still be careful. The freeze thaw cycle has greatly diminished the glacier-ized shoreline. And falling through the ice into frigid waters can be fatal.

Please continue reading for more pictures

From Howard Street Beach

From Terminus Of Birchwood Avenue

Hard to see but this is the remnant of a
pier covered in ice then snow (private?)

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