Saturday, January 11, 2014

One Last Trek Into The Boreal Wilderness

These pictures are from 1/10/14 aka yesterday. Sunrise was at 7:18 am and the temperature was still just below freezing at 30 degrees. But already you could see large cracks in the huge ice formations that became the latest coastline of Lake Michigan. is being responsible and smart in warning folks about the dangers of taking cool photos of the lake. After all they did help spread the word at how strange and beautiful our lake looked while under the grip of the 2014 Polar Vortex.

The frozen waters connected the Jarvis/Fargo beach with Howard beach creating an opportunity for shots usually impossible (except by kayak or boat). A land bridge connecting people otherwise cut off from each other by water. No further explorations of the lake will be assigned until springtime.

Last edited 1/11/14 11:00 am

Please continue reading for more pictures

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