Friday, January 24, 2014

Max Green's Photos For Sale On E-bay

Offering a box of family and friends photos (On E-bay) and negatives that belonged to Max Green, who owned the Photographer Green's Studio - also marked "Green's Studio" on some photos, 7046 N. Clark st. Chicago, Illinois. 

A photo of the storefront is shown - it was covered in black glass and was very art deco in design including that nifty door.  Unfortunately it looks nothing like that today.  I got these materials from the basement of his studio in the early 1970's, sometime after Max died. 

Max and his wife Elsie lived in West Rogers Park and belonged to a now closed Synagogue in the area.  One of the items is Max as a pilot standing in front of a WW1 Jenny aircraft. The Greens appear to have 2 children judging by the photos of them with Max & Elsie. Assume one or more of the children may be living.  No reserve.

(More interesting than the average Rogers Park E-bay item.)

1 comment:

  1. This would make for a great Article. Ricketts could pony up thirty five bucks or even a hundred no problem.


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