Sunday, December 1, 2013

Samantha Barbara! How Could You?

The least well known (and now most unpopular) member of the Rogers Park Neighborhood News group took it upon herself to post T and A on the community board. This mysterious woman grew up in London, Ontario currently residing in London, England. Not very original.

So why is this outlander poking her nose into the Rogers Park's business? Maybe Samantha is concerned that this community doesn't have access to the sexiest singles. Is this girl trying to get everyone hooked up in time for X-mas?

She really is a busy body. She is in one thousand nine hundred and thirty five Face Book groups. Which is a lot compared to the paltry number of photos (9) and likes (23) on her Face Book account.

This is one of the biggest drawbacks to Face Book groups. Any robot or half wit can post whatever they want and up it stays up (until some moderator finally takes it down).


  1. Its been up fifteen hours now. That's a slap in the face when you are checking a site for local news or alerts.

  2. Someone finally took it down. That's the drawback of the general public being able to post on a message board

  3. Don't get your panties in a wad, Jeff-O. It's probably that old dirtbag internet troll Helen having a little fun on Facebook after consuming some pills from her medicine cabinet?

  4. It was a holiday weekend, no need to ream "some moderator" because it took less than one full day to delete the post. Speaking as the "some moderator", thank you for giving me a chance to enjoy my family's company during the holiday before I'm expected to check for spam posts in the Rogers Park group. I take great pride in this group and have done my best to keep it to it's intended form. I'd appreciate you not drawing this much attention to a negative post that was addressed in a timely fashion. I took it down the minute it was brought to my attention, which as a matter of fact, was as soon as I woke up this morning.

  5. And for the record, I removed the post at 7:17AM, a mere four minutes after you decided to harp on the fact that it had been up there for 15 hours.

  6. It is a great site TSTEE
    glad its down because it was a major blemish on an otherwise well run community resource.

    It is important to point out the strengths and weaknesses of each site's format.

    Anonymous comments were removed from this site because of jokesters impersonating real people.

    Running a site isnt easy. Keep up the good work.

  7. Tsteel2 there is no need for apology. Your FB site is excellent. You simply became a pawn in what seems to be an ongoing collaboration between JO aka PMR and CG to bully and bash women like Samantha, Helen, Gidget and Phoebe. The pattern has a history. Keep up the good work.

  8. Hey, Phil, ya seem ta have a double standard on this hear site. Ya don't let me say stuff about people like that Melissa but ya let Craig say nasty stuff about Helen. Is she the same Helen with the comment on Facebook in the screen shot? If so, seems Craig needs some glasses.

  9. Wow. Da biggest troll a' dem all come alive ta speak. Nice ta hear from ya, Gernie.

  10. Is that troll back? Thought him and Gidget split town. Aint seen neither around.

  11. LOL it sounds like the same old Craig is back in town. Bad Boy you should know better than to sit on a BBQ grill to keep warm. Just don't sit down for a while or get together with Mz. Spanky.

  12. OMG that dude with the glasses is totes creepers!

  13. Mary Leahy: I've already offered up my email address for you to send me/us a message with your thoughts. I'll double check my spam folder...

  14. Hey, J, are you Justin? Are you stalkin me? Why would I want to give ya my email address by writin to ya?

  15. Members of Facebook groups have to be approved.

    How did Samantha Barbara pass muster?

    Cursory inspection of "her" account reveals that she is a robot and a spammer.

  16. Hey, Phil, howed you get approved? A friend tole me your dead but your in a Facebook group.


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