Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rogers Park Versus Hyde Park First Round

Rogers Park made it to the Curbed Cup finals in 2012 even though they were the 13th of 16 seeds. This year we are still underdogs with 11th seed. First round voting opened this morning with RP facing 6th seeded Hyde Park.

Rogers Park has Loyola, Hyde Park University of Chicago.  Both have beaches (Rogers Park wins in that category with the cities best and only street end beaches), both extremely liberal and hot beds of co-op activity. Rogers Park has better transportation connections with L (4) and Metra (1) stops, Hyde Park with three Metra stops.

At press time 64 votes cast and Rogers Park has only 31.3 percent of the vote.

1 comment:

  1. Well looks like voting is closed. Better luck next year. Me thinks that the neighborhood was burned out from last year's try.

    RP almost won last year, but some fancy computer moves in the last 12 hours or so via Avondale got them the win.


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