Saturday, December 21, 2013

Picture Day With Santa @ Howard "L" Stop

Even Santa has to wait for signal clearance. Most folks who wanted to were able to get their Polaroid photo taken with Santa this morning. Holiday train pins and candy canes were given out by the train crew. The train hung out for a good twenty minutes starting around 11:20 am then left to turn around in the train yard. And then Santa and his entourage took pictures for twenty more minutes. No bicycles were allowed on Santa's train when it left the station. Owing to the fact it was completely full.

12/22/13 4:30 pm - More photos are up.

12/13/13 10:18 am - Ok rest of the photos are up.

Please continue reading for more pictures

1 comment:

  1. Bill Savage wrote.....

    "Even Santa has to wait for signal clearance.



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