Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Burger King Construction Begins On Clark Street

Who knew that Dominick's would bite the dust before the new BK on Clark street opened? Many many articles have been written about this new BK. Almost as many as the parking garage on Sheridan. Unseasonably warm this fine December day. Today's high was 54.

The last official news from was March earlier this year. That was when the BK won approval from the Aldermanic advisory board. It wasn't quite a unanimous decision. Jim Ginderske of Occupy Rogers Park was the sole member who voted nay.  He subsequently quit the board.

Occupy Rogers Park has been a champion of the fight for 15 (bucks an hour) movement. Currently workers at fast food establishments can barely make ends meet. Earlier this year one worker at McDonald's was famously referred to social services to get a LINK card for food by their worker hotline.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Have you heard how long construction will take?

  2. Not sure J.

    Atleast the BK will be sidewalk adjacent without setbacks.

  3. Hope they open up soon. That old freeloader hag Helen is craving be the first to have a freebie double bacon cheese whooper on Joe Moore's Follow Me Friday.

  4. LOL Wow Mr. Gernhardt that's really not very nice of you. Did you not have a mother to teach you how to respect women? Did you have daddy issues like I did or something? I can't think of any other reason a grown man would continually pick on a woman. Totes not cool. Something tells me you are, like, over compensating for completely failing in life or something. LOL.

  5. Hey, Isadora, I kinda think hes prolly tryin ta compensate for a tiny you know what between his legs.

  6. Whoa. Nice ta see yer mom paid the internet bill, Creepy aka DUI aka Dangerously Unstable Individual aka Chip Bagg. Good ta see ya again. How's life in yer moms basement been treatin' ya?

  7. When did Gernhardt and DUI get back? I thought they both whacked off and OD'd months ago somewhere in Uptown from what I heard. Why do they use this blog for puking out all their issues? Is Helen one of the old crushes? He is seriously conflicted over a small penis if that's what this is all about. Sorry for being so explicit but whatever.


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