Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Pan Oceanic Engineering Gifts Fence To Howard Street Urban Garden

Gulzar Singh is president of the company who donated this fence to Howard and Ashland. According to their website they were formed in 1998 and are union affiliated. Pan Oceanic (curious name for a civil engineering firm in the Midwest) is located at 8501 W Higgins suite 630 Chicago, Illinois. It is refreshing to see a corporation based in the actual city working on projects here in Chicago and giving back. How common is it to see donations like this from city contracted companies?

Pan-Oceanic Engineering Co., Inc., is an Illinois based certified MBE/DBE General Contractor specialized in Excavation, Underground Utilities, Concrete & Asphalt Paving, Ornamental Fence & Bridge Work and Landscaping. Please contact us for more information and pricing for your upcoming project.

Trucks have been busy dumping piles of chips (now numbering 15) on the future site of an urban garden. No mention in the article about the donated (superior, first rate) chain link fence. Our local media is not always privy to (or allowed to report on) the back room dealings of Chicago politics. Regardless of such matters we are grateful for the attention and care this neglected site is currently receiving.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. @Justin, you seem to be anti-car. Harder for corporations to donate something as large as public transportation.

    Bicycles are going the corporate route in the USA. Here with Divvy.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hey, Phil, that Justin hates cars. Spouts off agin em all over Nextdoor. He thinks we should all be ridin bikes.

    Justin, where ya get that stupid idea we got enough gardens. Tell that to all the folks who want a plot.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. They were probably the contractor on the Howard streetscape project.. They made big bucks on a job they took almost 2 years to complete.

  7. get more police involvedNovember 22, 2013 at 10:14 AM

    als yalz is gunna be surry we gots gangs gunna take diz garden over you don even kno how bad it gunna be I seen the writing its gunna be bad the police done even got no control

  8. Mary Leahy said "Oh, wow, Justin hates drivers, not just cars

    Hey, Anon., got any proof that Pan-Oceanic was the contractor on the streetscape, which did NOT take two years to complete. The groundbreaking ceremony was in mid-July of 2012."

    Lets not get into name calling Mary Leahy. Thanks. MGMT.

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  10. I love this, apparently someone's upset and decided to misrepresent me and my wife. I may have strong opinions, but we don't write like that.

    Plus I've never spoke against community gardens, I actually think they are a great way for an individual, or family, to increase their subsistence or meet and greet neighbors.

    Keep in mind, those names were typed in, in place of "Anonymous." So step back from the ramblings Mary and realize what's happening.

  11. Ok Justin, if you can take it then so can Chevanston.

    Don't want this to turn into a troll fest either.

  12. The door has already opened, good luck with that. Just remember, these are your neighbors acting out, I'll never represent someone else or hide in the darkness of anonymity. You're a child if choose to do that and even worse attack someone.

  13. Ok this is not cool using our names... Slandering us on the internet is not neighborly at all.

    I want anonymous with my name post to be taken down.

  14. I am very disappointed that someone would use our names. How low can you go?

  15. Its gone mel.

    Looks like some local trolls found a novel way to create havoc!

  16. Mel, isn't this the same thread (comment now deleted) where you told Philip to go "eff" himself?

    Not neighborly, either.

    How about we *all* grow up?

  17. Thanks last anon for the good laugh.

    Seinfeld was a great show about nothing and this is a great discussion about nothing.

  18. I know this is off thread but Seinfeld was cool and the Soup Nazi reminds me of someone at a local food place on Glenwood. This thread is weird. Is somebody attacking Justin Haugens here? He wants to make the neighborhood green and that's cool.

  19. Mary: While you assumed you knew who was behind the "Justin Haugens" account, you didn't. Actually, you may know them but are playing along, that's your call.

    The posts are deleted because I asked the administrator to delete them that were using my name or my wife's name. There's obviously one more lying around because Martin Dinsmoor says so.

    It appears the administrator has removed the Anonymous posting option. If this option is implemented again, you'll be happy to know I'm done with the site.

  20. Caramba. I leave the country for a few weeks or so and it gets weird in here. Who is this J and his wife and what are they fussing over? Is Martin a new guy? I liked Seinfeld and I think I know the local soup Nazi. I know almost every one around here. Some are friends and some are business if you know what I mean. I just heard about the new power team in the hood. Awesome.

  21. Hey, Phil, what was wrong with the comment I made last night. You didn't put it up.

    Can't I at least welcome Pris back?

    And ask what a soup Nazi is?

  22. So, Phil, can I ask J a question here cause I don't got no other way of getting to him?

    J, seems you got some pull that you can get stuff removed places. Did you get me removed from Nextdoor? If that was you, I've got some nasty stuff to say about you but Phil won't let me say it here.

  23. I'd love to hear what you have to say, send me an email at whether or not I got you removed.

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