Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Brick Paved Street Repair @ 6900 N Wayne

Not very often a brick paved street is repaired; especially in Chicago. In fact one of them (Concord) in Wicker Park was buried under black top this past spring.

At first this writer feared the worst. Another asphalt job further diminishing this grand street.

But after the asphalt patches were jackhammered and cleared of debris three large sections were repaired using a pallet of old bricks.

This last two way brick paved stretch of road in Chicago is not going the way of the Dodo.

Last edited 11/5/13 10:30 pm

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

There is still much work to be done to fully restore the 6900 block of Wayne. But thank God its finally begun. Pictures from this morning and afternoon.

Christy Webber Landscapes appears to be the outfit responsible for this restoration work. On their website "Brick and stone paving and retaining walls" is listed as one of their services.

It was hard to talk to the workers. Most couldn't speak English.

The mortar was put in by hand. Further down you will see the red machine used to flatten the bricks into place.

Smaller bricks were used for irregular sized spots. Fitting together brick paved streets is bit like a jigsaw puzzle.

People's Gas and other services which have dug up Wayne Avenue are required per contract to make the streets whole again as they once were. Chances are this crew was hired by them. There certainly has been a lot of gas work done in this part of the city in the past year.


  1. Cobblestone streets don't use mortar, just sand. The red machine is compactor.


  2. Well, it’s not common to see such repairs carried out in Chicago, especially on brick-paved streets. I live in Avalon Park and there are so many roads and streets there that require immediate attention from authorities. It has been totally useless to try to seek help from the government in this regard so far.

    It’s good to see how they completely repaired the patch in almost no time!


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