Saturday, November 9, 2013

Albion Avenue "L" Viaduct Chicago, Illinois 60626

Please continue reading for more pictures and words       

This viaduct was worse than most. In the alley around the corner is evidence that the apartment building there once had parking in back.

Albion avenue now has sharrows painted in the middle of the road. What is unusual for a Chicago one way street is that there is also an oncoming bicycle lane marked. Normally its dangerous to ride against the flow of traffic. Here it still is, but it is a sanctioned activity.

Why is it a bad idea to ride down the street the wrong way? Reaction time is much less and any potential collision between the bicycle and car will be far worse.

Nearby two Divvy bike stations are planned for 2014.


  1. Very nice! Thank you for continuing your good works, even after the mailbox incident!

  2. Thanks Bill! :) The mailbox incident was a good test case. Got some support from passing motorists.

  3. Were there any bullet holes nearby to obsess about? They need attention. Lots of attention.

  4. Nothing in the article you linked says that there are 2 Divvy stops planned for this location. Where are you getting this information?

  5. "Before the $3 million grant was awarded, Divvy had planned to only bring two stations in 2014 to Rogers Park — one at the Loyola "L" station and another just around the corner on West Sheridan Road."

    Article was unclear, guess they WERE planning two in the DNAinfo article.

    Looking at the Divvy site there are two planned for 2014 right around there, perhaps one is just north or south of Sheridan. cant tell. Technically it may just be one for the RP.

    Updated the article with the picture from Divvy Map.


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