Saturday, October 5, 2013

Crime In Chicago 2013 Scoops Chicago Tribune? (Shooting @ 7400 N Hoyne)

Craig Gernhardt tweeted one hour ago "Guess what? The bad guys are still firing lead around the neighborhood." The tweet contained a link to this website with the simple name Crime In Chicago 2103. Warm muggy nights seem to bring shooters out of the woodwork.

"15-year-old boy shot in Rogers Park
Another teen, a 15-year-old boy, was shot about 6:20 p.m. (October 4th) in the 7400 block of North Hoyne Avenue in the Rogers Park neighborhood. He heard shots and felt pain while standing in an alley and was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, where his condition had stabilized. The boy sustained lower back and leg wounds in the shooting."

This blogger saw pings hitting the site containing the search words "shooting Rogers Park October". So this comes as no surprise. No mention in the local papes or internet news sites, until just 39 minutes ago (or 9:39 am). The Chicago Tribune contains the same quote as Crime In Chicago 2013. Click here to use the interactive shootings map contained on the Tribune site featured in the screenshot above.

Please continue reading for more pictures and words 

CIC 2013 (Crime in Chicago) has the following tagline on its website (which contains many grammatical errors). (Total of three sics)

 We believe in loving the sinner, but hate and speakout (sic) against their sinning, live a rightous (sic) and more abundant life. In a country where freedom is being diminished daily, this remains a free speech blog. Except (sic) no personal attacks/threats or gangbanger huffing and puffing.

We now bring you news from the Leftist, gun controlled Plantation

The exact same copy and words were on its website at 5:14 am this morning as appears on the Chicago Tribune site posted sometimes after 10 am this morning. Coincidence? How is Crime in Chicago 2103 getting all these amazing scoops? The poster's name is Stopthepresses2. An apt name for someone who is mysteriously in the know before anyone else (and posting verbatim what the big boys are publishing).

A rather bland uninteresting site that just copies and pastes what appears in the local papers. It has a list of the ten commandments on the right hand side. This website is set up very similarly to Chicago News Report. But unlike the Chicago News Report doesn't bring much to the table accept (sic) reprints.

Homicide statistics are also listed on the right hand side.  According to the site homicide totals over the past few years; 2011 - 441, 2012 - 535 and  as of Sep. 18, 2013 - 330. More troubling is the "NUMBER OF PEOPLE SHOT IN CHICAGO" figures - 2011 - 2,217, 2012- 2,670 and as of Aug 28, 2013- 1,740.

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