Friday, October 11, 2013

Drug Dealing & Gangbanging 7700 North Paulina

Bright lights North Of Howard haven't scared away the gangbangers, drugdealers or loitering. But it makes for great photographs. The increased police presence on Howard has pushed the unsavory element north. Now the criminal activity needs to be pushed out of NOH.

The scene below and the scenes beyond the jumpbreak are what people are shot over. Drug dealing turf. Open air drug dealing is now off Morse and the surrounding areas (at least the blatant stuff). Its off Howard but still way too close for comfort. Any kind of informal or formal drug pick up or drop off spot can not be tolerated if we want to stop the violence.

Blogger's Note - The above photograph was taken at 4:10 am 10/10/13.

These photos (taken last night) were just sent to Chevanston by a concerned NOH neighbor. Please continue reading for more pictures and words     

(This email was carbon copied to WGN, Chicago Tribune, The Sun Times,, Ward 49, CAPS, Chicago News Bench and many others.) All the other photographs were taken at 1 am 10/11/13

Good morning all,

As a follow up to John Jaffe’s email yesterday, I felt compelled to share this.  BTW, this is part of the same ‘crew’ John refers to.

These photos were taken in the early AM today.  This 'crew' has begun to make the 7700 block of N. Paulina their base.  They hang out, not only disturbing the neighborhood with their noise but they deal drugs to vehicles as well as people on foot.  Note in the photo of the drug transaction at the van...the guy with the headset is probably listening to the police scanner and you can see in the hand of the other fellow a packet of drugs.

Why are these 'banger/dealers' allowed to gather and sell drugs on our streets at anytime of day or night?  Each of these mornings, I had to make follow-up calls to 911 because after the initial responding squad drove off, these guys simply reassembled.  In all of these instances, at no time did the responding police officers get out of their vehicles!  Here's the BIG PROBLEM.....why didn’t/don't the officers get OUT of their vehicles, ID everyone, fill out contact cards and INFORM them that they are in violation of the Anti-Gang Loitering and the Anti-Narcotics ordinance and to accordingly DISPERSE.

As stated many, many times over the past 3 decades, the residents of the North of Howard neighborhood need and deserve consistent, proactive police effort to rid our streets of this activity, once and for all.  This is a small geographic area (2 X 4 blocks) with ‘natural’ boundaries (El track to the West, cemetery to the North and the Lake to the West) which make it a very contained area.  Consistent patrolling and effective police response (out of the squad car) is what is needed.

Michael C. Luckenbach
North Howard Neighbors Association
Resident of NoH since 1975
Bcc; NHNA members


  1. Looks like a nice shot from mcl's Crows Nest. Hope someone called 911 reporting suspicious activity and didn't just post a pic on Chevanston. Dealing drugs within 1,000 feet of a playlot is a felony.

  2. >Patrol Officer B...apparently you didn't read the post:

    "Why are these 'banger/dealers' allowed to gather and sell drugs on our streets at anytime of day or night? Each of these mornings, I had to make follow-up calls to 911 because after the initial responding squad drove off, these guys simply reassembled. In all of these instances, at no time did the responding police officers get out of their vehicles! Here's the BIG PROBLEM.....why didn’t/don't the officers get OUT of their vehicles, ID everyone, fill out contact cards and INFORM them that they are in violation of the Anti-Gang Loitering and the Anti-Narcotics ordinance and to accordingly DISPERSE."

    Of course I called 911 but when the responding cars simply drive by the scene slowly and not even exit their vehicles, all I can say is WTF!

  3. BTW, the entire area NoH is within 1,000 of Gale School as well as 3 Parks.

  4. "why didn’t/don't the officers get OUT of their vehicles"? Ask the district; ask at CAPS; ask your beat facilitator. You won't get answers here. Allegations of bangers selling drugs didn't seem to have any supporting evidence.

  5. What on earth are you talking about, PaTROLL Officer B. Unless you were one of the responding officers how could you possibly know that, "allegations of bangers selling drugs didn't seem to have supporting evidence". In all likelihood, your not even really CPD.

    What's more I know for a fact that MCL forwarded the information to the CAPS beat facilitator.

  6. >POB
    I and a large number of residents in this neighborhood are asking NOW. If need be 'we' will go to the Mayor's office for an answer.

    Further, what the hell are you talking about, "Allegations of bangers selling drugs didn't seem to have any supporting evidence."?

    911 calls were placed at 1:15AM & 4:10AM on 2 back to back days complaining of noise and OBSERVED street drug dealing. Based on that, at the very least the responding officers should have gotten out of their vehicle, checked IDs, done a pat-down, write contact cards and disperse the group. It's not rocket's proactive policing!

  7. Stop whining mcl. This isn't 911 it's just a wimpy blog that we monitor once in a while. Man-up and tell the Commander face to face at a CAPS meeting what your problem is. It's not rocket science. Speak up. We got so many moaners but nobody steps up like a man.

  8. What the residents of NoH want is consistent, proactive police response and tactics employed in our neighborhood. It doesn't require my (or anyone elses) attending a CAPS (CPD PR) meeting to deal with's BASIC and has been raised time and time again at all kinds of community meetings, including CAPS, by myself and many others. The usual response from the police representatives has been and is to side step the 'issue' and move on. It's time the 24th District leadership man-up and proactively and consistently patrol and enforce the law in our NoH neighborhood. We will be taking this issue to the Mayor's office as well as to Superintendent McCarthy for a response.

  9. Scroll down for today's post.....

  10. Are you are the guy with a scanner that complains about kids in the playground? Anyway, smart guy, anything North of Jonquil is out of the hotspot.

    1. Nobody EVER "complained about kids in the playground", anon (can't use your name, huh?). What we were complaining about was the drinkers, teens and pot smokers hanging out in the playlot, which is for use by children 11 and under. You're the 'smart guy', check the call records!

  11. The ENTIRE North of Howard area (all 2 X 4 blocks)should be designated a 'hot spot'!

  12. So you are the guy with a scanner.

    why didn’t/don't the officers get OUT of their vehicles, ID everyone, fill out contact cards and INFORM them that they are in violation of the Anti-Gang Loitering and the Anti-Narcotics ordinance and to accordingly DISPERSE."

    Because this the USA. Anonymous call to 911 does not justify searching. Not a hotspot. They have a right to hang out just as much as "occupy" does.

  13. >anon...
    Why don't you crawl out from under your anonymous rock and make your comments in the light of who you are? This will be my final comment in response to your inane remarks. In my mind, the real concern is, with your attitude, that you are a cop. BTW, here's a little 'schooling' as to why a call to 911 under the above circumstances (open drug dealing at 1:30- 4:30 AM) would be made anonymously....see the guy in the photo with the head-set ...he's most certainly not listening to the radio or an ipod...he's very probably listening to a police scanner....and that is why people don't put their names out there...they don't want that info going out over the air. Again, under the circumstances, in this neighborhood, the responding cops should have gotten out of their vehicle and questioned the group. It's not rocket science!


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