Monday, September 23, 2013

Latest Sighting Of The Virgin Mary

This latest appearance of  the Virgin Mary keeps watch over pedestrians, motorists, bicyclists and people of all creeds, race and sexual orientation.

She takes shelter from the sun beneath a quilt comprised of left over U.S. priority mail.

The Vatican has very specific rules (“Norms Regarding the Manner of Proceeding in the Discernment of Presumed Apparitions or Revelations” in place since 1978) regarding the judgment of the veracity of Virgin Mary manifestations.

Perhaps this appearance wouldn't pass muster before the Holy See or the Conference of Bishops. But it is well done and is deserving of merit.

Please continue reading to discover where the Virgin Mary's image recently emerged


  1. Awesome! I love street art. Where is the Virgin located?

  2. Awesome! I love street art. Where is the Virgin located? I apologize if this is a duplicate post I am not used to posting on the Blogger site and have tried a few times to post.

  3. I will put in another picture to help you guys figure it out.


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