Tuesday, August 13, 2013

V-Tone Refuses To Apply Their Muscles To Trash Pickup

This is how V-Tone looks now after all the trash has been picked up that has accumulated over the past week. This writer has been diligently picking up their parkway, planters, tree planters and side yard over the past year.

In return this writer has gotten grief over accidentally dragging in a few leaves and other litter when throwing away the trash in V-Tone. The proprietor does not acknowledge my existence other than as being a pest.

Talking with the business nicely, sarcastically, angrily, whatever has not worked. So this writer discussed the problem with the alderman's office. Hopefully things change. Will reassess V-Tone in a week and post a photo of how it looks then.

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

V-Tone sells bicycles and repairs them as well

The attitude of this establishment is this. "Why don't you ask everyone else to pick up their trash?". (Most everyone else is. That is the problem. V-Tone never ever does.) They believe that its not their problem. Well who is going to care about this area? Yes it is a high trash zone by the "L". But if it is never picked up littering will be even worse. Litter attracts more litter.

This morning this writer actually actually found a dollar bill for my troubles and a roll of caution tape during trash pickup. It takes such little energy to expend to keep the neighborhood looking good.

What does it matter how great your business looks inside if its surrounded by trash on the outside? What is more ironic than an exercise fitness center who is either too lazy or uninterested in picking up trash? What good are muscles if all you do is work to make them bigger and don't use them to solve real world problems? We are talking about 5 minutes a day or 10 minutes every few days. Is that really a lot to ask for? Apparently so.


  1. Give 'em hell, JeffyO! Unleash the dogs of hell!!!

  2. Give 'em hell, Jeffo. Unleash the dogs of hell!!!

  3. I could never go around picking up papers and trash from the streets. Around my home, there's a guy that picks up garbage and every time he finds a bag or a plastic bottle he shakes his head and looks up to the skies in a blend of disgust, disdain for the "polluters", a belief of superiority and lots of self-righteousness.
    Poor crazy guy.

  4. "In return this writer has gotten grief over accidentally dragging in a few leaves and other litter when throwing away the trash in V-Tone. The proprietor does not acknowledge my existence other than as being a pest."

    It sounds like you aren't a member, is that right? Coming in to use trashcans and leaving litter on the floor is going to make you unwelcome to most businesses.

  5. @Spells, that's one way to look at it.

    You could also take ownership of the surrounding area and thank people for picking up trash right outside your door.

  6. Phil, ya got an obsession with trash or something? Have you thought about seeing a shrink?


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