Sunday, August 4, 2013

Marc Maron @ Mayne Stage

Marc Maron rocked the house. This writer hasn't seen stand up in quite awhile. So to see a master at work is a real treat. Completely natural, flowing, insightful and just plain hilarious.  Hard to take great photos of the actual performance with the bright stage lights. One lady to the left was taking photos with a professional camera. This is the best that Chevanston's ace photographer could capture.

In preparation for the show its always good to do a little extra listening, watching whatever. Put on the WTF podcast of Marc interviewing Bryan Cranston of Breaking Bad before the show. Mr. Maron is great at what he does because he is great at thinking out loud. Whether its great comedy or great discussion/talk/interview (let's give that word conversation a rest for once).

Please continue reading for more pictures (And words), a day turned into almost a week

Didn't realize how shows at Mayne Stage worked. You can get into the show an hour before it starts to get a good seat. Then order food and drink. While waiting for the show to start you see a slideshow of future and previous acts. 

Later on the slide show certain acts come to life. Very useful previews. Helping you decide which shows and are worth seeing. The preshow music is also pretty cool. Primus, Nirvana, and other classic music from the eighties, nineties and aughts. 

Book Cellar of Lincoln Square makes appearances from time to time at the Mayne Stage to sell books. This time they were selling Marc Maron's book Attempting Normal. His book is at its best when its related to what life is like as a comic on the road. Overall a good read. 

Marc Maron used some old and some new material at this show. But the old material didn't seem old. It had a fresh spin on it. Hadn't realized that this writer had seen his act previously on Comedy Central. He freaked one girl out by walking over to her after accusing her that she was either high or bored. He stared her in the eye and put his hand on her shoulder. 

What was really entertaining was his discussion on food (man versus food which probably needed someone from intervention on A and E to step in and help the man) and how he started off the performance. He simply spoke without the microphone. He illustrated how the microphone destroyed some of the intimacy of the stage and the relationship between performer and audience. As soon as he spoke with the microphone someone yelled "whooohooo!". He declared this to be the audience fighting the amplification. 

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