Saturday, August 10, 2013

Male Or Female? Shot In Arm @ 7400 N Rogers Avenue

Seven hours ago Craig Gernhardt tweeted a link to the recent Chicago Tribune shooting roundup. Unfortunately Rogers Park was one of the locales included.
A 24-year-old man was shot about 1 a.m. (August 10th 2013) in the 7400 block of North Rogers Avenue in the Rogers Park neighborhood. He ran to a nearby CTA station where police found him. He is in stable condition at St. Francis Hospital in Evanston. 
The Google Maps picture above was taken when Clark Rogers Flowers occupied the Northeast corner. (And when the mailbox used to just be blue instead of blue and green) published their own summation of last night's violence. In their report the victim who was shot was a female same age and 13 minutes later.
At 1:13 a.m., a 24-year-old female was shot in the right arm in the 7400 block of North Rogers Avenue in Rogers Park. She was taken to St. Francis Hospital, said Sullivan.
Please continue reading for more pictures and words

Below is the uncropped Google Maps photo. Since Clark Rogers Flowers moved out and Red Violin has moved in has this corner become safer or more dangerous? Many neighbors opposed another liquor store in this already alcohol saturated market (Walgreens, Dominicks, Round The Clock Liquors, the hole in the wall at Chase & Rogers and the liquor store at Rogers & Sheridan).

And so far the critics have been right. Red Violin has attracted a rough element to this corner of Rogers Park. When tough customers from different teams (gangs) run into each other shots will be fired. This corner of Rogers Park holds a lot of promise in spite of all the recent negative activity.

If the Walgreens there at Clark and Rogers was redone it would do wonders for this corner.(see Net Zero Walgreens just up the street on Chicago ave in Evanston and the new store that just opened up in Edgewater on Broadway).

It would also help if a new restaurant/coffeeshop, whatever opened up on the other side of Clark and Rogers where the recent fly by night clothing store moved in.

You can also see in the picture below how close this is to the Evanston border (415 west Howard building is just to the north).

Maybe a more wholesome more savory atmosphere would reign at this corner if Red Violin was forced to be a grocery plus liquor store? Our local reporter Benjamin Woodard covered this issue. Red Violin was granted the special use permit by Joe Moore so that Mr. Patel could sell only liquor.

Ignorance of a law is no defense. But Joe Moore did use that in part of his argument to back Mr. Patel's case. In any case we are glad to have a tax generating business at this corner of our neighborhood. We just hope that this business which does cater to hard drinking and hard living folks doesn't drag the area down.

Its true that Red Violin stocks nice craft beer and decent wine. But how does that help anyone when people mill about aimlessly inside the store. Which then scares away decent god fearing folks away. When you walk into the store you see the cheap wine and high proof alcohol up front.

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