Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Loyola Acknowledges Existence Of Brunos?

Pictures from last week Wednesday (8/21) of construction at the Loyola "L" stop. Bruno's; the hold out on Sheridan has been included in a Loyola approved rendering.

Homogenization of style, owners, and outlook make for a dull neighborhood, college and life. But that is just what Loyola University has been trying to do with their Rogers Park campus. 

The needless destruction of the buildings at Albion and Sheridan and many other buildings in the area has created a more boring, monochromatic area. Thank god Bruno's refused to leave. One of the few liquor store slash bars left on the north side of Chicago and in a beautiful building on top of that. 

We are glad that Loyola is doing well and reinvesting in the area with their and our money (gifted TIF tax dollars). But they can't have it all their way (thankfully). 

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Bill Savage's comment via e-mail

    "The plaza there, now that it’s open, has basically become a giant cigarette/joint smoking waiting room for people looking to get on the El after a few puffs.

    I do doubt, however, that Loyola has totally given up on eliminating Bruno’s. They have given up on a giant structure to fill the whole El/Albion/Sheridan triangle. They’ll knock down the old Carmen’s building next, and only if they build another structure to the north of Bruno’s will I consider them finished with trying to run the Rotis out of business.

    Cheers. And I see from Benji that R is open. Plan to stop by ASAP."

  2. Putting a plaza in an area next to an el station seems like a waste of commercial opportunity.

    Also, the money that Loyola was allocated as part of the Sheridan-Devon TIF was purposed for renovating their own campus buildings. To the best of my knowledge, they have already received $20 million for the Mundelein Center rehab, and stand to receive another $26 million for renovation of 3 other campus buildings:

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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