Saturday, July 13, 2013

Shooting 7600 Block N Paulina Last Night

A Stone's Throw From Evanston - Google Maps View

Sam Charles tweeted @ approximately 11 pm last night  "First person shot this weekend: 17 y/o boy in Rogers Park. Listed in serious condition."

According to the Chicago Tribune this morning; "About 8:35 p.m. a man was shot in the 7600 block of North Paulina Street in the Rogers Park neighborhood. His age wasn't available but he was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston with wounds to his legs. "

The area most troubled with negative loitering in Rogers Park is Howard and Paulina followed closely by Howard and Marshfield. Postive loitering may have been cancelled for July. But the negative loitering on Howard hasn't been called off. It has been a little better of late on the south side of the street. North side of Howard and beyond persists in being one of the most dangerous parts of the city. No postings on the East Rogers Park & NOH neighbors Facebook page regarding this shooting. Chicago Scanner didn't report on this shooting either.

Maybe a joint effort between Chicago and Evanston police could end this dangerous practice of loitering on Howard? When gangbangers stand on the public way they only invite shootings from their rivals. This is the Sheridan and Lawrence of Rogers Park. Uptown Update just reported that 14 gangbangers were arrested after the recent swath of shootings at that corner. It's the same old story. Unnamed boy/man gets shot in Chicago and gets driven to St. Francis Evanston hospital. What are we going to do to stop this?


  1. Answer to your question - blog more aggressively, more frequently and increase readership. Circulate a petition; demand change and protest in front of the Alderman's house. March in front of police headquarters.

  2. Note the date on this post:

    What is it going to take to get what is needed and has been need for YEARS....consistent, zero tolerance enforcement of the above City Ordinances in our neighborhood???? WTF!!!


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