Monday, July 8, 2013

Decedent In July 5th Murder Was Gangster Disciple

Screenshot Google Maps 7400 N Paulina

From Jargowood community email.

         On July 5th at approximately 5:20 AM a (26-year-old?) male black gang member (Gangster Disciples) was shot to death on Paulina (the Police are using 7415 N. Paulina).  He may have entered a white vehicle and may have also been dragged by the vehicle a short distance. The RD# is HW-348705. The victim may have been in altercation with several other young black males. The first homicide for the 24th District this year. Commander Waldera will inform Alderman Moore about other pertinent details as they become known.

Update 7/9/13 5 pm - Chicago homicide tracker on Red Eye releases the names involved in homicides and confirms that it was Elliot Frazier 26 years old that was murdered at 7415 N Paulina on July 5th.


  1. Hey dickhead, before you spout off shit you don't know what you are talking about check your facts. You got this one all wrong. If you aren't a pussy you will post this. If you are a pussy you will censor it. Check your facts dickhead. You got this one all wrong.

  2. Ok then lets hear it? Who was killed? Because everyone wants to know. Why hasn't done a story? They are supposed to be the neighorhood leader in news. Even if the murder is considered mundane. Those that live here don't think that to be the case.

    Set the story straight P.O.B.
    This is from a respected community email tree. What are your facts?

    Guess we will go back to all swearing in the comments section. :)

    No swearing in the Tweets though.

  3. Yo dumbass. It ain't posted on DNAinfo cuz there's an ongoing investigation and the cops ain't spillin' squat. It ain't no goddamned GD involved either. Get yer facts straight. Maybe call da cops and ask 'em or go to a frickin' CAPS meeting and find some shit out on yer own instead of creepin' behind that keyboard all day yelping off a bunch o' BS and rubbin' fuzzies with Goonhardt.

    Post this too, buddy. Or I cry coward all the way up 'da chain. Youse already censored me once tah-day.

  4. DNAinfo is discrete unlike dicks who spout off with wrong info. Little Jeffy is so wrong with his half baked info. Dude you are so out of the loop. Will you print this or censor it?

  5. "Respected email community tree" is pure crap and you eat it for lunch. Print this if you have cojones.

  6. Dude you flaming asshole. You got it all wrong this time. Your respected community tree is up your ass dude. You are dishing shit man. Get it right before you post it.

  7. Who's body that is shouldn't be a state secret. If we don't know who was murdered how can you solve the crime? Knowing the identity of the decedent won't interfere with an investigation, it will help.

    The more light that is shined on a case, the more leads that may pop up from the public.

  8. He ain't no gangster disciple, dummy. Even da neighborhood rats know that. Do some research next time, sleuth.

  9. PMcGR is sounding more and more like a Dudley Do-Right. Grow up and learn when to scoop and how to scoop. Take a few lessons from DNAinfo and the big boys in town. BTW Stanley watch your language. Children might be reading this blog.

  10. BTW, "shine" is one of those strong verbs for which the past participle is "shone", not "shined". The simple past tense, "shined", requires a personal subject and an object. Stick to rubbin' fuzzies instead of trying to make news.

  11. Hey Katakowski don't go accusing me of rubbin' no fuzzies with nobody. And what's uppity-town Jeffy doing sticking his nose in RP stuff anyways? I hope that cop is turning all of this in to HQ.


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