Friday, July 5, 2013

Crime Scene Investigation @ Paulina & Fargo

          Looks to be a fatal shooting early this morning in this corner of Rogers Park (Photo at 6:15 am). Paulina is all blocked off from Rogers to Jarvis, and so is Fargo at Paulina. Needless to say the alleys in both directions in between Fargo and Jarvis are roped off too. Didn't hear any shots. Was surprised to find this scene this morning. Given that this was the night of the Fourth not sure that gunshots ringing out would've registered. Unless the shots were close by.

           Numerous patrol cars and officers on scene. When you see this much plastic cordoning off the area you know something serious has happened.  You can see the body covered by a white blanket. The shooting is probably gang related. Would guess Gangster Disciple versus Latin King. (Beyond the jumpbreak you will notice a van parked on Fargo with tons of duct tape on the back window. The tape is holding up an opened garbage bag; probably not street legal.)

 Last updated 7/5/13 3:03 pm

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

          Regardless of the cause of death or who was killed it would behoove the local media to do an in depth story on any murder in the neighborhood. Even murders like in the A and E program "The First 48" (usually a hoodlum killing a hoodlum) are interesting and need to be solved. It shouldn't only be odd or weird murders that are reported on. This violence puts everyone in jeopardy. And if you don't know the reason, we don't know how to stop it (either philosophically or specifically). Murders like this point to why local blogs like Broken Heart of Rogers Park or Uptown Update are important. People can comment on the visible net and share information.

          This murder shouldn't be a footnote in the local violence roundup for the City of Chicago. We can see how out of control things are in this city when that's how shootings and murders are dealt with. Its like the Tribune, and television news get just enough information for a body count and then move on. Is that the function of media? What are the chances that the killer will be found if that is how murders like this are treated? What happens if the murderer isn't caught? The people who live within walking distance of this body found lying on the street would sure like to know who was killed and pertinent info. It would be extremely foolhardy to not be curious. We need to know the circumstances and cause so that we don't get caught in the crossfire.

    Update 7/5/13 12:55 pm - wrote in their report, "In Rogers Park, a man was found shot to death in the street about 5:15 a.m. in the 7400 block of North Paulina Street, Sullivan said. No further information was available." Looking at the murder/shooting report it was a dangerous night to be out. Driving around town this morning noticed open hydrants and rashes of new tagging from last night.

          Update 7/5/13 1:14 pm Chicago Tribune has an actual photo of the scene probably taken later because the white cloth covering the deceased has blood stains. "A man was shot to death in Rogers Park about 5:30 a.m. Police found him bleeding from gunshot wounds in the 7400 block of North Paulina Street and he was pronounced dead there."

            Chicago Scanner tweeted 8 hours ago "024: Male shot, GSWs head & abdomen 7415 N Paulina DOA on scene, also appears he was dragged" DOA is not correct in this circumstance, dead on scene is (DOS). DOA refers to someone arriving at the hospital dead.

             WLS reported the following "A male was found shot to death in the Rogers Park neighborhood Friday morning.The male, whose age was not immediately known, was found with one gunshot wound to the head and another to the side in the 7400 block of North Paulina Street about 5:25 a.m., police said. The man was dead when officers arrived, police said. A spokesman for the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office confirmed the death but had no details Friday morning on the victim’s age or ID. Area North detectives are investigating."


  1. Ho-hum. No one cares because they're too busy on Nextblock having those they don't like banned.

    Let's move on to something important. Did anyone hear all the illegal fireworks going off last night?

  2. Ok, so banning goes on there as well.....

    No banning here so far, but comments are moderated so as not to cause major flamewars.

    Fireworks were going off last night until 2 am on my block. Probably why shots fired wasn't called in (all the fireworks).

  3. Hey Gerny how can you tell the difference between legal and illegal fireworks? Do they sound different or is this just more of your baloney? Nobody gets banned from Everydoor except you. Yeah, let's move on to something important like a new fire hydrant or some other stuff. We only monitor this site to see who all the Bozos are.

  4. Who was shot July 5 near Jarvis? Someone reported it happened at Jarvis station and was the son of a well-known Rogers Park resident. I want to know before I call the family

  5. That young man lying in the stree tname is Elliott Frazier. He is 26 years old.

  6. Has there been anymore information on the body in the street? Who did it.What gangs run that area?


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