Monday, June 10, 2013

Patio Now Open @ Morsel But No Takers

             Awfully dead this past Sunday @ Morsel.  It doesn't seem right that Morsel, Sidecar and the Glenwood were all being run by the same outfit and these are all being boycotted. Is it time to call a truce or all these businesses doomed? Its like a monopoly or too many eggs in one basket. (Still can't believe that Dukes is gone) These photos were taken on a relatively nice Sunday afternoon and not a soul to be seen taking advantage of the nice weather.

             The boycott seems to be working, Glenwood avenue once a lively fun strip is now a dead zone except for when the farmers market is up and running. Ironic because everyone was so excited with a restaurant opening at the former dollar store. Its no secret that the gay/lesbian crowd is moving north with the increased rent of Lakeview. Pride North is a recent phenomenon. Now its a ghost town.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Hello Jeffrey. I'm just back home again and Chevanston has changed so much. It seems that you no longer do news and now are into commentary on micro-local things. Are you trying to refocus your readership? They don't seem to be commenting much or have you become a local voice on micro-events? It is interesting but lacks the zing you used to have. I miss the jazz.

  2. It's a very pretty and unique desgined sidewalk cafe. Legal, with all the proper permits and drawings.

    I'm sure it'll be filled during the one day of Pride North.

    Sadly, the other 364 days in they year will look much like thes photos.

    Mary Ann and Colm have their hands full fixing the mess they made by cutting Renee out of the picture.

  3. Holy gosh darned crap. If Craig throwin' his two cents in on something Patricia, usually means its becoming irrelevant as all heck.

  4. Irrelevant to most but Craig is the expert on Pride North and the infighting with Renee. The bicycle delivery business isn't very demanding so local gossip fills in the blanks.

  5. Even when you live on Sheridan the thought of going to Morse and enduring Gidget and the bangers is exhausting, it's almost better to just take a bus to a better neighborhood and avoid the suckitude.


  6. there is no gidget. there is no boycott. there is only homosex love till the end of june. attend the pride parade just to boooo the democrats who wont approve homosex marriage.

  7. Gidgit is LONG gone and the boycott is going strong! Head to the parade to cheer the Greg Harris and all the fine democrats who ave been fighting for us for years.

  8. So they go out of business in a year or two big deal.

    Bicycle deliveries? Is blogmaster Craig delivering for Potbellys or something?

  9. His tax evasion problems will get him shut down before lack of customers. Unfortunately, he will take 3 businesses and a lot f loyal employees down with him just like at Ts.


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