Friday, June 21, 2013

Jargowood Next Meeting July 2nd


          The next Jargowood (Jarvis/Fargo/Birchwood neighborhood group) meeting will be held at Alderman Joe Moore's office at Greenview and Jarvis July 2nd @ 7pm. The general rule is that meetings are held on the first Tuesdays in odd months. Word on the street is that the city wants Red Violin to sell groceries. There are already plenty of places that already sell cheap liquor and chip bags. There is pent up demand for higher quality food items in this corner of Rogers Park.

          Currently an atmosphere of chaos rules over this store. Too often people are milling about in limbo in between the cash register and looking for something to buy. There have been complaints by various neighbors concerning the crowd that Red Violin has been attracting to that corner. This writer feels much safer walking to Taste on Jarvis to buy beer. Heck this writer feels safer walking to Isam's on Sheridan where the same owner of Red Violin will be opening up the Green Guitar. The owner of Red Violin is supposed to be in attendance at this meeting.

1 comment:

  1. What's this thing you got about chip bags now? Did you turn into something and now you are against all sorts of stuff? Sounds like you want to control what everyone does, buys, posts, broadcasts, yadda, yadda. You even complain about people who don't paint a dumb wall or mow their grass every day.


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