Friday, June 14, 2013

Four Tickets & Counting

                  This maroon Mazda truck has been left to rot on Wayne Avenue. One ticket is dated 6/4/13. The rest are unreadable. Perhaps by July 4th the car will be towed. In the meantime this abandoned vehicle is taking up valuable parking space. Apparently it takes thirty days plus two tickets or more to get the boot. Section 9-92-030 describes all the different reasons why cars are towed in Chicago. Not all the situations are explained however,  Section 9-92-030 also lists fifteen different codes. One reason you could be towed is if you are parked illegally at a metered spot for more than 24 hours. This car was probably ticketed due to street cleaning.

                 Update 6/14/13 12:30 pm - Why is this important? It is a sign of neglect. Abandoned or run down cars are sometimes used to stash drugs. Cars like the one pictured above also invite vandalism. Perhaps there should be a law on the books to prevent cars from languishing on side streets (with multiple tickets)?

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Tickets on a Toyota truck? What is this blog about anymore? It's not even relevant micro-news. Such nonsense. Micro-gossip maybe?

  2. If you have any ideas for stories or issues you are concerned about that you would like to see covered or any picture you would like published then please email them to

  3. >Philip....I believe it's a Mazda not Toyota. If it's been sitting, without being moved, it's possible that it was stolen and abandoned there.

  4. Thanks mcl, yes, for some reason the insignia looked like the sombrero Toyota to me, but on closer inspection it is a Mazda.

  5. Philip if I had ideas and your passion I would start my own blog. I rely on you for interesting things but you seem to be falling out of the main stream. It's just a kvetch about whether or not it's a Mazda or a Toyota now. People like mcl are just part of the dullness. Please start doing exciting news and scoops again.

  6. Uptown Update is not a success because they are nonstop running on the ground covering everything first hand in first person. They rely on neighbors for input. Heavily.

    Input or no input the blog will continue. If you give no input or info then feedback is better than nothing. But not much.


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