Friday, June 28, 2013

Emil Bach House Tours Given By Frank Lloyd Wright Preservation Trust

                Photographed above is Peter Dahlberg of the Emil Bach House blog. (Looks like he is having fun. Not everyone gets the chance to work on a house of this stature with the kind of money needed to do a first rate job.)  Workers were busy on the roof this morning. The side yard is nothing but mud. RDS Dumpster is out front full of debris. The cement mixer is fully operational. A bobcat sits silently in back waiting its turn to help. Lumber and stone tiles piled high. This Frank Lloyd Wright is now in serious rehab mode. Hard to believe that the place is in any kind of state for tours but the FLW Preservation Trust is showing folks around the exterior each week. Rare opportunity for architect fanatics to see a house of this caliber getting fixed up the right way. Starting in the fall there are plans to give tours of the interior.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Over the years I've had a couple of opportunities to 'tour' the house. I think it's wonderful that this national treasure and Rogers Park 'Gem', is getting this much need restoration...can't wait to see the results. Thanks for the update and photos, Philip!

  2. Don't get too happy over this. It's all that dirty Pritzker money that is behind it and they are getting ready to put up a Frank Lloyd Wright highrise tower after they get enough money from tourists to rip down the mansion and put up a high rent tower for rich people on the lake. Never trust a Pritzker. They screw us every time in Rogers Park. Nothing but towers. That tower next to the Mayne, the tower on Fargo, the tower garage on Sheridan, nothing but Pritzker towers. This will be the next tear down for another tower on Sheridan.


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