Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ellipsis Coffee Spitting Distance From Rogers Park

        Wired from a black eye (two shots of espresso in a coffee as opposed to one the red eye) this writer drank from Ellipsis this morning, finally felt inspired to do a write up on this new coffeeshop @ Devon and Lakewood. Beautiful day, the two doors that open onto the new coffee shop were wide open this morning with lots of folks hanging out and working on their laptops.
         The proprietor is always very friendly and makes you feel at ease, you can tell that he put his dues in at the region's best coffeeshop Brothers K in Evanston. The only thing missing from all of these new upper cruste coffee shops that have suddenly burst onto the scene in and around Rogers Park is the the New York Times. Starbucks in the only coffeeshop that carries the NYT in RP nowadays. (Last edited 6/8/13 7:30pm)

         Please continue reading for more pictures and words

           Refreshing to see another coffeeshop which isn't carrying Metropolis or Intelligentsia coffee, which are fine but the whole point of living in a city (well one of the reasons at least) is to be able to hangout at different restaurants and coffee shops and try different food and drink. This coffeeshop carries Counter Culture coffee which is direct trade certified (they aren't trying to screw over the coffee farmers) and is based in North Carolina. They have a training center at 177 N Ada street, where they offer "counter intelligence" training sessions.

          Ellipsis has plenty of caffeinated drinks to order and try including the poster boy for "gentrification" the (carmel) macchiato, it was a joke in this video. For people that used to go there when it was Stella's you now order coffee at the front counter and not the side, cream and sugar is still in the back. Nice typical modern look with an accent wall and exposed brick. If you drive there is usually plenty of parking right in front. A welcome addition to the area.

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