Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Coming Soon To Jarvis "L" Station - A Neighborhood Piazza

Rendering from CTA website

              Several northside "L" stations are getting new art installations. The above is the most interesting and it happens to be going into the Jarvis stop. You can see all the different projects that were recently approved here at the CTA website. The project for the Morse station is lackluster, simply colored glass. Some projects don't look so great on paper then in actuality however. The other stations lucky enough to be selected include the Lawrence, Argyle, Berwyn, Thorndale and Granville stops. Federal funds totaling over six hundred thousand dollars went toward these projects. Piazza is an italian word refering to a city square or the meeting of two or more streets. Another side note, the two video cameras above the murals are not part of the art work. 

              Update 6/19/13 1:25 pm Please continue reading to see how the Jarvis station looks now

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