Saturday, May 18, 2013

Seeing Double @ Circle Garden

            Some people may think Chevanston is obsessed with the Buddha heads and they may be right. Couldn't get the two Buddha heads at Circle Garden (established in 2007) in a nice shot together so better just to give each their best angle.  Are these permanent installations? According to no, "Rogers Park will eventually have 10 heads that'll be on display for about a year, Sutton said.". Scanning the 'net we see that the concluding event will take place at LUMA in August (Loyola University Museum Of Art). So enjoy them while you can, because like most things (including the Earth) they are impermanent objects in temporary locations. 

Please continue reading to see Circle Garden's other Buddha head

Update 5/20/13 9:15 am - cropped and enlarged the original photo (which is beyond the jumpbreak) to better show off Lake Michigan in the photo. 

 (Buddha heads in same shot, but not satisfied with how this turned out)

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes when I come back to Rogers Park i like to lay in the chalk lines and see if it fit. Do you ever do that, Jeffo?


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