Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rendering Highlights Dangers Of Bicycling On Sheridan

"Is that man suicidal?" thinks Replica Shamly on her way to take her Simcar out for a spin.

             Commenter Joseph A. Ficek  of Chicago, Illinois correctly points out that this virtual bicyclist is taking his virtual life into his hands by riding against the flow of traffic, "Why is that cyclist riding against the traffic?" The Chicago rules of the road advises bicycle riders to ride with the flow of traffic as opposed to against it.'s library contains a study from the 1980-1992 in Palo Alto, CA showing hard data that riding against the flow of traffic is more dangerous.

              The most logical reason being that bicyclists "enter the conflict" from an unexpected direction; drivers and pedestrians aren't looking at where the bicyclist is coming from. The same goes for bicycle riding on sidewalks, the data shows that this is the most common place for car versus bicycle accidents. Here is a link to a primer on how not to get killed riding a bike. (As an aside the main thrust of the article from from whence this rendering and quote originated was to point out that the parking garage's (at Sherwin and Sheridan) height will be three stories instead of four and other safety features have been added to placate the nearby Senior Jewish home.)


  1. I can not bear thinking of that big car tower in our neighborhood. It will kill birds like hooping craines and the old people who live next door. My boyfriend and me are so upset we must stop it

  2. @TB Morton, long time no see, glad to have you back.

    Perhaps the Sheridan engineering study which won funding from the Participatory Budget Meeting will look into to how making bicycling on Sheridan anything other than Russian Roulette.

  3. Anyone who's had their head outside their ass for more that 5 gosh darn minutes over the past few years woulda known that Sheridan's a dang federal road and therefore can't be altered by PB funds.


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