Saturday, April 13, 2013

Street Fight Call 911 & Dog Bite Call 311?

Fight and bite don't rhyme in Spanish

               How would calling 311 regarding a dog bite be helpful? Antibiotics and an ER visit would be more appropriate. By the time you would get assistance from 311 you may be gangrenous with blood poisoning. What if the dog bite was in a critical area and someone was exsanguinating to death? Assault from an animal sometimes is an emergency especially if it were a pitbull, multiple dogs involved or if the dog won't let go. If the owner is negligent or dog fights involved then someone may need to be arrested immediately. And what if  the person bitten was trying to break in? People shouldn't call 911 on all dog bites, but dogs and dog bites aren't created equal. According to the CDC fatal dog bites are rare, but they don't list how many are life threatening.

 "Each year, 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs. These bites result in approximately 16 fatalities; about 0.0002 percent of the total number of people bitten."



  1. I wonder where gettin' bad service and a scowl from a growling rabbit would rank on the danger scale.

  2. That place is so toxic the cookies growl back at you

  3. @Stan & Willy, Growling Rabbit is not up to snuff with food and service? Haven't been by there in a few months.

  4. Owner's a little cranky for my taste.

  5. Surly, slow and substandard. Instead of waiting on you they expect you to wait on them. If you want service with a smile go anyplace but there. They think they are the only game in town and don't even open up early enough for the morning coffee crowd. They and their growling rabbit won't last long.


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