Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Royal Coffee @ Pratt Beach Aparments

            Royal Coffee just celebrated its fourth year in Rogers Park featuring its amazing non blended Ethiopian coffee. There sure are more fancy coffee shops in the city of Chicago nowadays, but how many feature coffee as it was really meant to be drunk? Scrumptious baklava, authentic Ethiopian food, soups, sandwiches and crepes. Intimate space perfect for hanging out on a lazy weekday morning where you could watch the morning news and read the paper. If you haven't visited Royal Coffee yet, you really are missing out. This building and space is currently undergoing renovations and restoration. They have Ethiopian arts and crafts and the New York Times for sale. Chevanston's favorite vintage coffee shop and unblended coffee in Rogers Park without question. Located at the southwest corner of Pratt and Sheridan.

Please continue reading for more pictures


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  4. Let's keep the posts on topic, you wish to be addressed as Blair and that is how you will addressed.

  5. Has anyone been to the coffee shop and tried their coffee?

  6. Eh, it's allright. It's just an oddly shaped space and the cold/rain/hot farts from Pratt Beach residents blow in on a regular basis so I just go elsewhere.
    It was kind of like that Jack Black SNL sketch where they were in Sbarro and the arctic cold kept blowing in.

  7. The food was good....the cortés not so much, it ok just not great. The patio would be nice if not for all of the Sheridan traffic.

  8. Owners are nice, food is good, coffee is so-so, location is "whatever". Wish I could like it more but I won't go back or recommend it. If the current censorship is hyperactive then this posting might not ever see the light of day. Have the Puritans landed once again at Chevanston Rock?

  9. Censorship? No, we just don't run
    sh&* news, that's all.

  10. I haven't eaten there in a while, but i buy my coffee beans there all the time. It's delicious coffee! And the owners are always very friendly and welcoming.


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