Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Public Drinking On Howard

            The gentleman on the left was brown bagging it this past rainy Tuesday morning at 7:45 am outside the vacant storefront Camelot Realty next door to Sol Cafe. Typical Howard street activity which according to the City Council is a quality of life issue which shouldn't be ignored. Jail time of six months would be added onto fines already in place for public urination, gambling and public drinking, because right now offenders only get tickets or citations which they can blow off. Uptown Update wrote a little blip on the Sun Times article. Its a problem on the north side by the lake in certain spots, Howard is definitely one of those spots. If you click on the picture you can see the man is holding an big open liquor bottle.


  1. That's not a vacant storefront. Rich Aronson and Camelot Realty occupy that spot.

  2. Oh Ok thanks Craig, kinda looks vacant and dead though.

  3. You have to be a pretty stupid person to enjoy loitering all day and night with nary a single constructive thing done in your life.



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