Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pigeon Net @ Jarvis "L"

         Back in January when Everyblock was up and running neighbors were shocked to find that pigeon poop was still a scourge on the north side of the Jarvis "L" stop after the recent refurbishment. Sometime in the past few months the city put up a net barring the pigeons from being able to roost on the underside of the Jarvis stop. The net runs from the west side and covers the entire underside where the birds could loiter, namely where the PVC pipes run. Now the Jarvis "L" passageway is free of pigeon poop. 

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. What....no Indiana sport shooters or the alderman out there making an ass of himself and getting shoved by an asian senior lady.
    You have a different way up there then Uptown i reckon.....

  2. I hope this netting finds its way to the Metra stop at Lunt and Ravenswood. The pigeon poop at that location is everywhere and nasty!

  3. What's going on? Isn't public urination, pigeon crap, litter and public drinking enough? Huh? Now we get Uppitytown drifters from the Fart Center trashing our Alderman after getting kicked out for trashing the one down there? We don't need no wannabe rogue bellyachers up here. Go home and do art.

  4. Is your ulcer acting up again Sal?

  5. Uppitytown drifters? That's funny. I know what you mean Sal. They are being run out of their own Ward and looking for new territory to bark and howl about social injustices. Life is so rough these days it's hard to afford filling up the fuel tanks on a small, private plane. What is the world coming to?


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