Saturday, April 27, 2013

Misconceptions & Connections May 16th @ Sol Cafe

          Friday (yesterday) morning Simone Freeman proprietor of Sol Cafe informed the new freelance reporter at Chevanston of an upcoming community meeting in May. It concerns the public image of Howard Street and invites folks of all walks of life to stop by and join in the conversation. Will anonymous commenters from Chicago News Report be able to make it? That would make for an interesting discussion.

         (Hard to keep up with all the great events at Sol Cafe lately between Glazed and Infused selling donuts, art events, Occupy Rogers Park meetings, Jackie Chan double features and the local state representative meeting with her constituents.) Click here for address, times of operation, and photos.

Please continue reading to see the full size photo


  1. "Phoebe King
    @Chevanston Oh goody! Thx for following me on Twitter so I can have the satisfaction of BLOCKING your ass! Good riddance."

    Oops. Well, she is the blogger with an attitude. :)

    No hard feelings on this end. Some people don't like criticism. But you have to have thick skin on the internet.

  2. Will Phoebe make it to the meeting? She is a NOH neighbor.

    She didn't like the fact that Chevanston was critical of her swearing on Twitter. When you have a lot of followers you have a greater responsibility, especially when you have the privilege to have your tweets posted onto the Twitter Feed.

  3. Dear Jeffrey are you picking on women again? I suppose now that the Hellhole still is pouting after having its little hissy-fit someone has to go after Phoebe. Really Jeffrey, picking on little girls should have ended back in primary school. Play nice.

  4. Is following a fellow neighbor on Twitter picking on them?

    Some people like to hold grudges, but life is too short for that. I simply copied and pasted what she wrote.

    Its okay, I will survive being on the blocked list of Phoebe King, :)

  5. Seems like the campaign to set new standards for purifying tweets backfired. The good thing is that PK's impure tweets won't make you blush or your ears burn now. Get a bar of soap for washing out that mouth.

  6. The tweet block wasn't posted to begin personal attacks against Phoebe.

    What do you guys think about the state of Howard Street nowadays?

    Phew. Hard to keep conversations from going off the deep end.

    The comments deleted werent that bad. Just unnecessary.

  7. Howard is struggling to once again become what it was before it degenerated into a honky-tonk and snake pit crawling with military from Great Lakes, Fort Sheridan and Glenview. If you wanted a "fun time", along with pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers and hustlers, that's where you went. The "fun" became darker and more dangerous over time. The tide is turning much to the displeasure, apparently, of some who prefer things like "grit" and criminal diversity.

  8. Son of a gun. I'm having impure thoughts again. Thank goodness I forgot my twitter password.

  9. Word is if memory serves me right that the meeting will feature people involved in the 10,000 Ripples project aka Buddhahead invasion of Illinois movement.

  10. I would only follow the Twitter of people who have something oustanding to say, so that leaves a lot of former Everyblocker off the list.
    I find the whole thing useless unless you are on it every minute.

  11. @ Oaf, true.

    On Twitter it is best to follow those who retweet overlooked news and actually report from events. Kyle Hillman is one of the better private citizens to follow on Twitter.

    Who do you guys think should be added to Chevanston's Twitter Feed follow list?

  12. Kyle Hillman is a two headed gosh danged coin. He might sound like he got smart things ta offer but he's just another yesman who agrees with anything so long as it gets him closer to bein' committeeman or somethin'. He ain't got nothin' but hot air to blow around. Just skip twitter it ain't got nobody interesting.

  13. Never trust a wannabe committeeman. Firm handshake, real good smile but count your fingers afterwards. I lost two. Believe me I don't lie.

  14. Words are only dirty and offensive if you give them the power to be that, Jeffo.
    I'm sure there are words we use now that used to be more offensive.
    Personally I think Twitter is worse than eating a whole bucket of Meekrob, it's too instant and filled with nonsense brain farts of people who should keep their thoughts to themselves.
    My section of Rogers Park is closer to Edgewater and that's what I concern myself with, and I patrol it very well, and I don't care who doesn't like me as long as I keep the shenigans down. I am moving very soon and I will leave Rogers Park in others hands though. I won't miss it here one bit.

  15. We ain't gonna miss you neither Roody Doody.

  16. I think there might be Pritzker money going into some kind of general regentrification program with some of it being used to relocate people like RD. Take the money and run hahaha.

  17. Careful with them conspiracy theories Tommy. The admins here are real trigger happy wit da delete button and this kind a nonsense is ripe for da pickin.


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