Friday, April 19, 2013

Mayne Stage & Mayne Annex Sidewalk View

               The construction awning has indeed been dismantled. The storefront of the Mayne Annex is still in construction chaos. If you go beyond the jumpbreak you will see the view from just outside the Golden Mini Mart. All the floors were light up except the top fifth floor. Tonight at Mayne Stage is country night, this coming Tuesday Jim Derogatis of Sound Opinion on WBEZ will be holding a panel discussion entitled "Critics? We don't need no Critics!". Mr Derogatis recently criticized new mega online news source
Please continue reading for more pictures and words

(Yesterday Jim Derogatis got into it with on Twitter regarding a story they both covered (closing of the Congress Theatre). Jim Derogatis broke the story and wrote something on it three hours later. in general doesn't link up to other sites, they go straight to the primary source and don't credit who broke the story which is bound to make someone upset. Jim Derogatis "Hey DNAinfo Chicago: It's journalistic courtesy to link to a story you barely rewrite with no original reporting: " tweeted April 17th. Online reporting can be so prickly. retorted that Jim's piece was basically a reblog of court documents, and just followed suit.  We have had problems like that here in the Rogers Park blogosphere, but better to take the high road, you can't fight an online paper like backed by billionaire TD Ameritrade owner Joe Ricketts. Poor Jim Derogatis got ganged up on by four staff reporters from Jen Sabella Senior Editor for cried bullsh%& and told him to grow up since no one else complains. Better to just update your own site with a link to acknowledging their further contribution to the story. Lead by example, that's really all anyone can do. Legitimate journalists of today do indeed swear like sailors. When swearing is sanctioned by "the man" Joe Ricketts (you can't get closer to who is the man than a billionaire) then it is actually rebelling to speak out against it. )


  1. Everyday is cleanup day FBO.

    Its just that more people are doing it tomorrow.

    What about you?

    If this writer does cleanup it will be something unorthodox.

  2. Dear FBO, even Neanderthals such as myself understand proper verb construction. "I got" is better presented as "I have". Are you that mentally challenged or are you pretending to be stupid? Hugs and kisses from a self-proclaimed Neanderthal.

  3. Right on Bander. FBO sounds like someone who likes to complain rather than get his, or her, stuff together and go out and do something like clean up trash like the rest of us. All talk; no action. (Bander you are real creepy looking.)


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