Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mayne Annex & Wayne's Brick Paved Street

         More pictures will be posted later as time allows. Morse and Wayne has never looked this good. The actual Mayne Annex outshines its rendering. Picture taken earlier this morning.

Update #1 4/16/13 1 pm - Also has anyone seen Godzilla? Not the monster, but the dog, a jack russell.

Update #2 4/16/13 4 pm - More pictures added of Mayne Stage and Mayne Annex. Act One's al fresco dining is set up outside in case we get unseasonably warm weather.

Please continue reading to see info regarding Godzilla 
and more pics of Mayne Annex


  1. Craig G. just posted a picture of the Mayne Annex on his Facebook account without the scaffolding, so this means that the picture above posted is one of the last with scaffolding.

    Nice picture by the way Craig. Looks like it was taken from high above.

  2. That intersection has definitely come a long darn way. If a couple a more nice tenants would set up shop in da two mini-malls on the south side of the street, Morse would be well past the dang tipping point.

  3. I was using my new helicopter drone with a high-def GoPro camera attached, on a swivel base.

  4. I agree Stan. Can't wait for something to move into where Magic Video used to be. Fung's moving in soon next to the Golden Mini Mart.

    This intersection is definitely coming along.

  5. You get 'em low, I'll take them high. From top to bottom, it's covered.

    Oh another note. This Godzilla flier is missing a key element in it's hunt. They never mentioned the area the dog was lost from. There sending folks on a wild goose chase. The dog could've been lost in Lincoln Park for all we know. Maybe I'll put on the infra-red night vision GoPro lens, and send my new flying drone back up in the air tonight. You alway cover more ground from above.


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