Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Markello's Restaurant @ Touhy & Clark

Twitter Profile Picture Of Markello's

             Our main reporter for DNAinfo.com Benjamin Woodard is at this very instant meeting (according to Twitter atleast) with the proprietor of Markello's Restaurant at 7137 N Clark street, whose grand opening is this coming Sunday April 28th at 10 am with a breakfast buffet at $7.99. Per their Twitter account Markellos Restaurant will be open 7 days a week from 6 am - midnight, will be BYOB (without cork fee) and boasts breakfast all day. Phone number is 773-961-7676. Look for a DNAinfo.com story shortly with more in-depth information. This is the previous site of El Novillos (which was a taqueria and pizzeria) restaurant and Nati's restaurant on Klark. We knew something was up because blank paper was covering the windows which usually means renovation in progress.

Update 4/24/13 10:15 am - As promised DNAinfo.com's article regarding the new breakfast spot on Clark.


  1. You scooped me! Expect a story about the owners and their plans today or tomorrow, folks.

  2. I didn't scoop you! :)

    Just stalked you on Twitter! Looking forward to the full report Mr Woodard.


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