Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Bring On The Lights" May First @ Willie B. White Park

           Rogers Park Peace Angels wearing fluorescent yellow vests were canvassing the neighborhood this morning handing out flyers concerning a community meeting at Willie B.White Park May 1st 2013 at 6 pm (dinner) and then 6:30 til 8:00 pm. The Rogers Park Peace Angels are concerned with the lack of lights at night at Willie B.White which encourages a criminal element to congregate there. The lights are many times turned off at dusk and when they are on at night they many times turned off before daybreak.

           Rogers Park Violence Prevention Coaltion (VPC) is a gathering of various organizations, residents, and clergy addressing violence. Community leaders have decided that our parks are far too dangerous at night, part of that reason is because the park lacks lighting at night. We are asking the park district to keep the lights on through out the night, for over all safety of the community. As a community there is nothing that we can not make happen, join us!!!!"

 The meeting is open to all community members. For more information contact Chris Patterson at 773-885-7711 and email is


  1. If Peace Angels want results rather than public display they would have called 311 about the lights. If you wanted results, instead of internet splash, you would have done the same. If you are honest, and not censoring comments, you will post this. Stop complaining on a blog and do the right thing to get results - call 311.

  2. @GG

    Working on other projects, can't take them all on, never walk through that park either, but figured it was good to highlight their concerns.


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