Tuesday, April 9, 2013

7500 N Hoyne Or 7300 N Damen? Site Of Latest Shooting


       A shooting took place last night 4/8/13 but the media is having trouble reaching a consensus as to where it took place. The blip below is from the Sun Times.

Two men were shot Monday evening in the Rogers Park neighborhood.The shooting happened about 5:50 p.m. in the 7500 block of North Hoyne, Chicago Police spokesman Daniel O’Brien said.

The next quote is from the Chicago Tribune
Two men were wounded this evening in a shooting on the Far North Side in the city's Rogers Park neighborhood. The shooting happened shortly before 6 p.m. on the 7300 block of North Damen Avenue, said Police News Affairs Officer Dan O'Brien.

              The two reports do agree on the time of the shooting, right around 6pm and that a nineteen year old was shot and taken to St. Francis and that a twenty year was shot and taken to Illinois Masonic.

Please continue reading for more pictures and words

      Above left is the intersection of Birchwood and Hoyne which appears to be on lock down. The extra low police camera makes this area look especially ominous. To the right is the apartment building to the north and west of the intersection which declares that the no loitering is tolerated, that police will be called and that everything is under video surveillance. There is a white garage to the south that had some tagging on it but it has been painted over. 

            Above left we see Latin King graffiti at Chase and Damen which has been sitting there for a few months. Hopefully the owner or a concerned neighbor will eventually get some Goof-Off to rub it off, it takes about a minute to get rid of it. This is a troubled intersection. The commercial spaces mostly sit vacant and the bodega on the corner is a magnet for crime and loitering. As this writer was taking pictures several youths asked me about the picture taking in a not so friendly manner. Many nefarious characters at different times of the day are seen idling about this store and intersection. 


  1. I live on the 7300 block of Damen and it didnt happen there.

  2. http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20130409/chicago/three-injured-north-south-side-shootings

    DNAinfo.com says its 7300 N Damen.

  3. Beat cop told me the actual shooting address was on Jarvis near Damen.

  4. Do I have to take photographs of that intersection now? :)

    Thanks for the tip Craig.


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