Friday, March 15, 2013

Ten Thousand Ripples @ Charmers Cafe

             Thoreau's Corner was a natural place to be chosen as one of the Ten Thousand Ripples installation sites. This corner was to be filled in with concrete, but the local citizenry revolted against the powers that be, preserving this corner as green space.

Update #1 3/15/13 10:15 pm - Charmers Cafe is to close March 24th according to RP 1000 Words. The reduced hours didn't feel right so the fact that the cafe  is closing isn't such a shock. (Incidentally the post on RP 1000 words concerning the closure occurred at 7:22 pm today and a hastily constructed article appeared on @ 7:45pm. Nice scoop Bill Morton.) According to B. Woodard there is to be a wine bar/restaurant operating under the direction of nearby Taste wine shop owners.

Update #2 3/16/13 9:10 am - RP 1000 words update concerning new restaurant/bar.

Please continue reading  for more pictures


  1. Nice photos but don't say @Charmers Cafe any more. The in-the-know cognoscenti are aware that it is closing and "Taste" will take over before the end of the month.

  2. Thanks Blair. Ironic that the day after the Buddha was placed there that the announcement was made to close Charmers.

    Nice word cognoscenti, that at least a ten dollar word.

  3. Post hoc ergo propter hoc? Irony? No, I don't think Buddha had anything to do with Charmer's closing. Buddha is meditating on Jarvis Square, not the fading Charmer's or soon-to-be new wine bar cum muchie shop.

  4. Benji really knew about it before Danny told Billy but Benji took time to do a photo shoot and make the story more interesting. Billy just couldn't hold back and did a raw announcement. You did the release better than either of them did with nice pictures.

  5. That isn't his (B. Woodard) photo Tinkerbird, thats why you can tell it was composed hastily. That and the story is pretty short.

    Chicago Curbed holds itself to a higher standard and atleast gives sources as to where it gets news which is typically spyguy from Skyscrapercity Page, you never seen doing that.


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