Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pratt & Clark - Site Of Daytime Shooting? 24 Hours Later

                    The Chicago Tribune covered the latest daytime shooting in Rogers Park which happened yesterday, this time at Clark and Pratt. Looking around the intersection today there weren't any gangbangers around. Some graffiti but none appeared to be gang related. The large apartment building (1673 w Pratt) at Pratt and Clark is part of the troubled Menetti Brothers "portfolio".
The 15-year-old was dropped off at North Shore University Health System in Evanston about 2:15 p.m. and told staffers he'd been shot at 1:15 p.m. at Pratt Boulevard and Clark Street, police said.
        There is caution tape under the scaffolding @ 1673 w Pratt, but since there wasn't a crime scene and the teenager who was shot was just dropped off at the hospital, it doesn't appear to have anything to do with the shooting. There is a no loitering sign posted on the Pratt side of the building. The building is managed by 6770 N Clark LLC 773-465-1577. This is just west of the troubled intersection of Pratt and Ashland that saw a lot of shootings last year. So is this the new intersection in the fight over gang turf?

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. The police found no evidence the shooting took place at this location.

    Detective's went to the liquor store at Pratt and Clark to review the camera footage — and found zip. They canvassed the area and found no blood, no shell casing; from Pratt and Ashland, to Pratt and Clark.

    On another note. Did you score any exclusive photo's of Helen masturbating on the internet last night to clown porn?

  2. Mr. Gernhardt, your deplorable comments deserve a beating by wire hangers, you devil. You've been a naughty boy. I know you didn't have a father to teach you right so I'm volunteering myself as a MOTHER TO TELL YOU TO RESPECT WOMEN AND STOP BEING MEAN.

  3. Chevanston - home of high editorial standards or home of editorial hypocrisy? Recent targets, Farinas, DNAinfo and Woodard, have been shamed for committing, aiding and abetting profanity in "printed news". Hasn't Chevanston done the same by "printing" profane and vulgar character assassinations of a certain person named Helen? Is Chevanston complicit in aiding the personal attacks of a failed Hellhole blogger? What is high here? Is it the editorial standards or the editorial hypocrisy?

  4. Hey Craig did you know that May is National Masturbation Month (no kidding). Will you attend Occupy Rogers Park's celebration? Jim Ginderske has big plans to "feel the love".

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Silly banter is fine, but it can be too graphic. If it turns the stomach of the blogmaster will censor.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. All but Craig was off topic, that's ironic. (At least he was MAINLY on topic)

  9. The shooting victim gave the wrong address in order to throw off the police.
    Good work on this story, Jeff.

  10. Now Jeffrey, how in the world is allowing a disgusting post falsely accusing a respectable woman of masturbating to "clown porn" acceptable? You should be ashamed. You seem to have a naughty little crush on Mr. Gernhardt by showing such a double standard. You stalk a Twitter feed looking for foul language yet you let this ruffian run ramshackle all over your blog without putting him in check. This really is just as bad as the bicycle boy's blog.

    You are to go to your room without dinner or television at once! You're grounded!


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