Saturday, March 23, 2013

Praise God! North Of Howard

 This used to be painted in black letter on white. Please continue reading to see the before picture.


  1. The only thing north of Howard people should praise for is; being lucky they have've been gunned down.


  2. @ Craig, glad to see your picture mad the RP 1000 words Facebook page. That graffiti is a bit beyond my capabilities to fix, unless I founded a graffiti removal business like Joe Connolly of L.A.

    Hopefully soon that wont be the case though Craig. NOH is still troubled, but showing some signs of improvement, namely with the new Flats project at 7722 N Ashland.

  3. Craig continues to spout very broad stereotypical generalizations about a neighborhood he has little, if any, real knowledge or first-hand information about.

  4. Two people were shot Saturday morning in Rogers Park. I wonder where they got shot? Can anyone answer.

  5. Now Craiggy, stop acting like a little scaredy cat, get back on your bike, and get those pizzas delivered!

  6. Oh dear that is such an ugly sentiment. I agree with Mr. Rogers that his new project will solve 90% of the problem.

  7. What a silly question "Where did they get shot?" They got shot on the street. No wonder Craig is such a Nervous Nellie about all this. Bangers don't shoot old pizza bicyclists.

  8. Craig needs to worry about cops on Morse. But at least they won't shoot him.

  9. For those who don't know about living NoH...


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