Friday, March 29, 2013

Parkway Vandals

        Just as there are parkway piggies there are parkway vandals. This stretch of Rogers Avenue gets a lot of use and abuse. The  "L" train is often stalled on the bridge, buses fly by on the way to the bus terminal at Howard Gateway Center and Joe Runge's is always towing cars in and out of the lot.  It is heavily traveled and heavily littered. There is no reason that even with all this activity that it can't be a safe, clean street as well.

            The nice brick pavers that encircle the trees on the parkway are constantly being knocked over by hoodlums at night. This raises the question should these pavers even be here if this is going to constantly happen and not be corrected? There are just somethings you can't have in the city. There is a reason why the Buddha heads are three hundred pounds. If something isn't nailed down it will be screwed with.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. And the brick pavers were put back into place, soon to be knocked over again. :)

  2. Such a shame that these beautiful pavers are so heartlessly knocked over.

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  4. Jeffrey Littleton said

    "While your having fun with this one of the homeless Alderman Cappleman has been harrassing died of a heart attack. If you only get your news about Uptown from "piggy" stories then how would you know. if you aspire to be "BEEP" like at UU and ignore the plight of the homeless...even ridiculing them then you are an "BLEEP".

  5. Nothing wrong with disagreements or arguments, but always better to put that in the right post and not to swear.

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  6. Jeffrey Littleton said

    "Jack King does (sic) of a heart attack last week. He was one of those people with no where else to go was sleeping under a bridge in Uptown.
    Your like-mides types at UU say the homeless are dumped here but Jack in fact went to grade school here. Harrassed and ridiculed by the gentry he is dead now so problem solved right?
    All you know about Uptown is what you see passing thru and read on UU.
    Shoe a little more compassion, do an appropriate post for Bleeping once about people suffering with poverty and I can comment appropriately.
    I knew Jack....he was not a nuisence (sic) and his death on the street deserved some mention but in Uptown the gentry.......nada.
    Inmoral...dirty morals....I would rather have a dirty Bleeping mouth like the mayor whose ass gets kissed by our alderman.
    Enjoy your next loiter and litter posts....Cheers!"

  7. Is something weird going on here? Why is that Uptowny Littleton blabbering about a dead homeless person when we are talking about parkway vandalism in Rogers Park? Is this a bad drugs thing or just an artist thing? Way weird. Uptown is weird.


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