Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Occupy Rogers Park Moves HQ To Sol Cafe?

A fox in Anonymous clothing?

            Strange how a classic comic like V for Vendetta's version of a Guy Fawkes mask spins off its sinister grin to a real life group haunting the internet (Anonymous) and Occupy Rogers Park. The fox has a creepy smile, a facetious smarminess. An optional title for this post that was thrown out on an account of being too inflammatory and fantastic was, "There goes the neighborhood". Just when this writer thought things were looking up for Howard this happens.

            Occupy Rogers Park had their last meeting this week at the Mess Hall (to become a Jewish spiritual center) on Glenwood off Morse. They just announced on their Facebook page that ORP will reconvene at Sol Cafe April 7th (on their usual day Sunday) presumably at 5 pm. Morse and its environs have become too tony to host the likes of leftist agitators such as Occupy Rogers Park.  Is Jim Ginderske and company now making Howard their new stomping grounds? Will Food Not Bombs be out on Howard giving out free food instead of on fancy pants Morse? Morse of today is just too safe and bourgeois for ORP. Howard is a better fit. Occupy Rogers Park will be a welcome addition to the border of Chicago and Evanston aka Chevanston, Illinois.


  1. A free performance of "Much Ado About Nothing" on Sunday afternoons is just what Howard Street needs. Coffee, comedy and Ginderske as a perfectly self-satisfied Dogberry? Wouldn't miss it for the world.

  2. As long as they are purchasing coffee and snacks from Sol Cafe, I'm happy about this. Shop local to support small businesses my friends!

  3. Thanks for spotlighting the leopard house on your facebook page Bill.

    I agree Occupy RP can Occupy Howard street! That's positive loitering!

  4. a jewish spirit center? i thought roger park was losing jewish citizens and not enough are left for spirt center. i am surprised at this development. and i liked the food giving on morse avenue but never partook myself.

  5. It was my pleasure! Your leopard house post was interesting and relevant to Rogers Park.

    I think that the Rogers Park facebook could be a community-generated alternative to the recently defunct everyblock.

  6. It might Bill, the other Rogers Park Facebook gets more traffic because it comes up on the google search first, but its always good to have more than just one spot to talk about community events.

    The true R.P. site if there ever could be one should be an amalgamation of all interesting and relevant community inputs.

  7. that rogers park facebook page is just a bunch a god-darned hand-wavers and dramatic sissies makin' a fuss about burger joints in my humble gosh-dang opinion.

  8. Are you the only one that says "Chevaston"?

  9. The answer is no Max.



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