Monday, March 11, 2013

Jeffrey Littleton Nominated For Innovator Of 46th Ward

             The first annual 46th Ward awards are being held March 14th later this week. Mr Jeffrey Littleton a former frequent poster @ UU and local artist can't get no respect at Uptown Update it seems. He is up for an award for Innovator of the 46th Ward, so vote here if you think he deserves it. Chevanston would like to know what piece of art or project that the artist Jeffrey Littleton would think best represents his efforts in the last year.  (So as to give us a better idea of why the populace should vote for you as innovator of the year.) Jeffrey's competition includes the North Winthrop Community Gardens and Uptown United. Other awards to be given out include charitable cause of the year, leader in safety, foodie favorite, good neighbor business and good neighbor individual. In order to vote you do have to put your email address, name and zip code.


  1. Though Mr. Littleton may possess authentic artistic desires, his actual performance and failed community achievements are undeserving of award or merit.

  2. I know very little about Mr. Littleton but I have heard his name quite often. Could someone please describe him to me?

  3. He presents himself as an "artist" though he seems to have a higher profile as a blogger-protester-social activist and affects a certain Uptown-Andy-Warhol-ish physical appearance. No doubt you've seen him marching or demonstrating on behalf of oppressed, disadvantaged, jobless, homeless or addicted members of society. He is quite photogenic and moralistic.

  4. Well now I've used the Google to look up the young Littleton man and I must say he's quite a dashing young fellow. My oh my. I just want to kidnap him and make him my own son/man-servant. Oh how I wish I had a son that loved me. A woman can wish...

  5. Autheentic artistic desires.....

    Dashing potential boy servent...blotter...activist.....mama mia!

    This nomination was a surprise to me. It is from the folks at Capplemans campaign which is weird. Uptown is a complicated place and I have a complicated relationship with the hood.

    Its a long story...I highly doubt I will win it whatever it is.

    Either way ill go to the fundraiser/award thing a d enjoy the finger food talk to some of the many mutual friends me and the not-my-friend alderman have and ignore the occasional sneer.

    I lived in your very own blog area a couple times. In the late80's very early 90's on Pratt east of Sheridan. And on Hinman in Evanston son Nick went to Nichols middle school.

    See...we are not to and I.

  6. Thanks for posting this Jeffo....its funny. Andthe comments are cute. I have a higher profile nonlinear with the blotting because blotting is Big surprise.

    I got a big haircut after the photoshoot so maybe just maybe the Warhol quips will slow down. Not me favorite artist he is.

    Big plans art wise ahead for the summer. Doing another mural under LSD and the Buena Park Art Expo n the planning.

    There and I honestly wish there was less of it. I never protest for the sake of protesting as some do. There are reasons very personal behind it and there are people behind me. It is a long story.

    But...this nomination came from Cappleman supporters not occupy or Mercy Housing or maybe my main getting some traction after all.

    And it sure illustrates how comments like the first one from Blair are quite ignorant and laccking.

  7. Littleton does his politics and that is fine, dont agree
    with it all but he could probably do a better job then this shoe in mouth Alderman we have now.
    I admire him for the art projects and murals he has done for my neighborhood Association and others no charge.
    It is a shame to hear he is blocked from Now that I think of it his art has never been on that site but he is very active in the neighborhood and well liked.

  8. No Problem Jeff L,

    Glad to hear about your upcoming projects, where is the Mural by LSD going to of and where viaduct?

  9. " LSD going to of and where viaduct?" Jeff O., what on earth are you trying to say?

    "...profile nonlinear with the blotting because blotting is done." "Blotting," what's that Jeff L.?

    Reading this blog gives me a headache.

  10. Dear me, I think automatic text correction is being trusted a bit too much these days!

  11. LSD you say....that would be at Buena..the peace garden. The one that says Welcome to Buena Park.
    Im doin the otherside whenever it gets warm again.

    By the way is the 49th doing murals agian....whats the buzz I ask in a most dashing manner.

  12. @ Littleton. Oh yeah you had mentioned that before. That is really one cool garden there in Buena Park.

    Blotters, that reminds of a song by Pavement.... GROUNDED.

  13. I'm sorry about the typos Helen, android id driving me up a wall. I wish I could shut off auto correct but it is not happening. If I try to edit the screen starts flipping and other crazy stuff.
    I'm just not a computer guy and look forward to going all Apple one fine day.

  14. Quick follow up.....

    I didn't "win".....lost to Uptown United or in other words the entire business community. So its all good in the neighborhood.

    I am glad I to drink a lot of free beer but passed up on greasy chicken wings.

    Most of all I got to see who shows up at a Cappleman political fundraiser and indeed there were a couple of surprises.

    Thank You for your support.

    My name is Littleton and I approve this message.


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