Thursday, March 14, 2013

Holy Tire Tracks Batman!

              7450 N Greenview has had work being done on it this past year. Tough when there isn't much dedicated parking in the area for a building of this size. It appears that this building and the one on the corner are owned by the same company. This parkway has been thoroughly abused in the past year with litter and construction debris and the tire tracks don't look so great. The workmen have been better at picking up the parkway of late. Hopefully some day soon this will be a thing of the past. Yes understandable for there to be some corners cut when working with a building of this size under the circumstances.

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                 Not everyday you walk down the street and see a little pickup truck on the sidewalk. The men were loading ranges back onto the truck that appeared to be brand new, perhaps something was wrong with them. The tire tracks go on from the parkway just south of Fargo and run all the way to the alley north of Fargo, pretty impressive. There is a loading dock and parking area on Fargo but that space if currently taken up mainly with a dumpster (this is the last picture). It would make more sense to put the dumpster back on to Greenview so that trucks don't have to drive over the parkway and onto the sidewalk. In any case it is great to see work being done on these two buildings. If the price of progress is a torn up parkway so be it. Hopefully the parkway can be more than a muddy mess in the future though. 

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