Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Farcroft By The Lake Update

              The American flag now sits still tall and proud atop the restored splendor of the Farcroft. The exercise machines and barbells silently rest in darkness. The back patio is near complete with bike racks and grills in place. The mail slots are installed waiting for packages and letters. New chandeliers recently hung give new light to the restored empty lobby which anticipates the new tenants arrival. If you are interested it isn't too late to call their office or visit their Facebook page to inquire about a showing. Just in case you missed the grand tour in photographs here at Chevanston in February you can click here to check it out.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. The only thing missing is that damn four story parking garage.

  2. You will love the garage. When you deliver my fried chicken (top floor, lake view) you will enjoy its eco-friendly bike racks. I will still be one of you biggest tippers.

  3. Farcroft is not the tallest building in Rogers Park.

  4. True Isadora, its the ugly senior building on Devon right?

    But I was referring to buildings in their truest sense.

  5. "...buildings in their truest sense." Are the seniors living in a phantom building?

  6. Quite possibly Helen. :)

    Ok, Farcroft, tallest architectually significant building in Rogers Park.

  7. Don't mess with Helen. She can be big trouble if you aren't careful. When she says tallest you gonna believe tallest. God as my witness.

  8. Any news on how many units are rented?

  9. Much better, Jeff. Words matter.


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