Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Energy Producing Walgreens @ South Evanston

Alley door to temporary Walgreens off Chicago Ave
            The building that once housed Video Adventure and the old Walgreens on Chicago and Keeney is no more. Walgreens opened up a smaller pharmacy in the mall next door which only carries medications and medical appliances. Evanston Now reported earlier in the month the plan to officially move ahead with the new green Walgreens on Chicago Ave and has an updated rendering. As discussed last year the store will have solar arrays and wind turbines and has been touted as being the first net zero consumption retail store (and should actually consume less energy than it creates).

            While the new store will be green, it will still have an anti-Earth surface parking lot for temporary car storage. Parking is still a necessary evil, but it would've been nicer to have the building hug the sidewalk instead of the typical suburban design with the setback. Parking ala Aldi grocery at California and Granville on the roof would've made it easier to live with as a pedestrian and you could've still had solar panels above that.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. I love green stuff and caring for the earth but I drive a V8. Cars are cool.

  2. Max is a naughty boy but Jeffrey is a good boy.

  3. I uses to live directly begins that store with my son. I guess the crappy chinese restaurant with the foul mouthed owner is gone too...

  4. No I took a picture of the Chinese place Jeff and the trash from the Hunan place is totally disgusting, figured it was too gross to post.


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