Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ellipsis Coffee Coming Soon

             The photograph on the left is taken from the north side of Devon in Rogers Park looking south to Edgewater. Stella Espresso Co. @ 1259 w Devon Ave is no more. In its place materializing before our very eyes is Ellipsis Coffee. This area of Chicago is crowded with coffee shops, in part because its near Loyola's undergraduate campus.

            Descartes coffee proved recently to Rogers Park that it existed 6451 N Sheridan (it was a ghost coffee shop at the Lunt ave L entrance for far longer than it was ever open). Starbucks is coming to Devon and Broadway as a container box drive through. The Coffee Shop just opened up at 1135 w Sheridan ave. The Daily Cup at 1217 w Devon received high marks on its Yelp page but recently closed.

Please continue reading for more pictures and story

.             From reading the website of Ellipsis one of the owners worked at the best coffee house in the region Brothers K of Evanston at Hinman and Main. Brothers K sets the bar quite high for coffee shops, so this is very exciting that someone who cut their teeth helping to manage this store is going to operating one here just across the street from our fair neighborhood of Rogers Park.This looks to be the highest tier of coffee shop which looks to be judging from their latte art on the website. They announce on their website that the coffee shop will be updated and that Stella Espresso Co. was stuck in the nineties.They will be serving Counter Culture Coffee.

               The hours of operation will be 7 am - 7 pm so early birds will likely have to settle for Starbucks at the corner or the Dunkin Donuts on Broadway. In general corporate coffee shops open much earlier to catch  the early risers. Ellipsis will also be carrying Rishi tea which is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Incidentally there are other Ellipsis Coffeeshops in the United States, one in Perth, Washington.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking an interest in our coffeehouse! We would, however, like to make a correction and a clarification to your post. Ellipsis Coffeehouse is an independently owned coffee shop with no connections to Ellipsis Coffee in Perth, Washington. We, Chris and Meghan Zimmerman, are looking to provide a high quality product through an inviting and educational space, but we have no want to expand to multiple stores. We would like to put our all into one shop and make it a stellar place for education, understanding and conversation. It is true, our hours of operation will be 7am-7pm to start, but, those hours are flexible based on demand. If we experience a push to be open earlier from those early risers, we will be open to caffeinate them. We hope to grow the space with the community and nearby Loyola Campus to provide the best coffeehouse experience possible. Thanks again and we look forward to serving the neighborhood delicious beverages and pastry come March 30th!


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