Sunday, March 24, 2013

Chai Is The Hindi Word For _____?

          Will miss the questions of the day. Would get maybe ten percent correct, but usually they were  thought provoking. This writer bought his last coffee at Charmers Cafe earlier today. Will miss the Chiclets, the spoonerisms, (only one that comes to mind now is Fart Smella instead of Smart Fella, which probably was a roast beef sandwich) of the Dagel and Beli, the abundant free papers like News-Star or the Onion, the New York Times and the friendly baristas . Charmers first opened its doors back in May of 2006, making it nearly a seven year run.

          The barista above was nice enough to pose for this picture for posterity. In addition to a large dark roast this writer bought a commerative t-shirt and a cinnamon bun. Found the Ten Thousand Ripples cardboard sign at Fargo and Greenview, after stopping in Charmers it was replaced back to its rightful place at Greenview and Jarvis. The more things change they stay the same, happy to have known you Charmers and company. Rumour has it that the coffee service will continue with the new restaurant and hopefully the free and for sale papers will as well. And hopefully it will continue to serve as the unofficial community hub for Jarvis Square, just more along the lines of Selmarie of Lincoln Square.

Please continue reading for more pictures


  1. Charmers Cafe was a great business that will be missed.

    Photo #006 really captures the mood of that day.

  2. I'm just happy that it's being succeeded by something that fits there, not some pest control outfit or dollar store. The new place sounds worth the trip, but I hope it doesn't follow Sel Marie's pricing.

    Any hint that it might be an actual working bakery?

    I always had the notion that Charmers was owned by, or connected somehow with the Amici/wine store people. No?

  3. One rumor is that it is connected to a taxi medallion, escort and money laundering scheme with money fronting operations down on Morse that never appear to have enough business to support them.

  4. will that young barristo lose his job or will he be offered new employ? now is not the time to cut jobs. now is the time to create them.


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